Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hi to all my brothers and sisters in Jesus!
Our amazing God has done amazing things these past weeks.  Last week, our daughter Karen and I had the awesome opportunity to minister at Pastor Bobby Ray's Women's conference at Assembly of Faith Church.  The topic was "Blessed to be a Blessing."  This was the first time I ever heard Karen preach and I was so proud of her.  She is an amazing teacher of God's Word.   She got two additional speaking engagements out of it!
Karen with Pastor Bobby Ray
Karen at Assembly of Faith
Also, we just got back from Atlanta with Andrew Wommack. Al and I are prayer ministers for the ministry. I prayed with four different individuals before the first service started and saw INSTANT MANIFESTATIONS of healing; cataracts healed, knee pain totally gone, sinus congestion completely gone, and horrific continuing cough stopped immediately for the rest of the night. (She was sitting next to me so I witnessed it) Hallelujah!  God is so very good.
Angie at Assembly of Faith